A View from the Open Window

The Story of David Pettee and Pat Mann, by Sha Jackson The window of opportunity has been often looked through, in this country, by those with pale skin and European heritage. The views from the outside looking in have been frequently experienced by those with darker...

Getting to the Roots of my Family Tree

by Karen Branan Go home. Find out what happened, said the black ghost woman lying dead at the end of my bed one drizzly April evening in the ‘90s. This was the one thing I’d long dreaded the most. Still, I knew in that moment I would do whatever necessary to discover...

The Collision of Black and White

by Sharon Leslie Morgan My grandmother, Jennie Waymoth, was a farm girl from Eastern Illinois. Born in 1902, she grew up milking cows on her father’s homestead in Sidell. When she left the farm sometime around 1925, headed for the bright lights of Chicago, she changed...

Hidden History

by Rev. David Pettee Here in the North, we have inherited a powerful historical amnesia when it comes to the memory of slavery. Where I live in Massachusetts, we still worship the stories of the Sons of Liberty. We still teach “The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere” to our...

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