Join the Coming to the Table community!
You want to make a positive difference in our world, right? It’s painfully clear that racial inequalities loom large in the United States (and around the world). People of color face systemic, structural barriers in education, housing, healthcare, employment, and in the criminal justice system. Every. Single. Day.
When you join Coming to the Table, you are making a commitment to embrace the vision of transforming the United States into a just and truthful society that acknowledges and seeks to heal from the racial wounds of the past — from slavery and the many forms of racism it spawned. You’re finished witnessing injustice and not knowing what to do about it. You’re ready to do what you can to change… yourself and our world. You want to make a difference in your community and in your country.
As a member of Coming to the Table, you become part of a community committed to truth-telling, transformation, and liberation. The CTTT Approach to racial healing is grounded in theories and practices of trauma awareness, conflict transformation, restorative justice, human security, and spirituality; involving four inter-related practices: Uncovering History, Making Connections, Working Toward Healing, and Taking Action.
When you incorporate the CTTT Approach into your life and your work in your community, you’ll know you’ve done your best to confront racism and injustice. You’ll build authentic, accountable relationships with people you’ve been raised to see as “the other” and you’ll work together to transform and liberate yourself and others, one heart and soul at a time.
CTTT changes people. Changed people change the world.
To become a member, fill out the application at the bottom of this page.
PLEASE NOTE: CTTT will never share your contact info with anyone.
There is no Membership Fee required to join Coming to the Table, but the ability for CTTT to meet ever-growing needs DOES depend on the generous financial support of our members. So we hope you will contribute financially!
By becoming a Member you will:
- Connect to a community of like-minded people who envision, and are working to transform our world.
- Receive the monthly CTTT newsletter, and occasional updates on CTTT regional and national events and activities.
- Receive support for starting and maintaining a CTTT Local Affiliate Group in your community.
- Connect with Working Groups focused on various issues or activities related to racial healing, or receive support to start a new Working Group.
- Be able to apply for scholarships to attend CTTT Training Workshops, STAR Training (Strategies for Trauma Awareness & Resilience), and Summer Peacebuilding Institute classes through the Center for Justice & Peacebuilding at Eastern Mennonite University in Virginia. CTTT has awarded more than $15,000 in scholarship funds over the past few years.
- Have access to a wealth of useful Resources to support you in your work and journey toward racial justice and healing.
As stated above, there is no Membership Fee required to join Coming to the Table, but the funds needed for CTTT to operate – the ability “to provide leadership, resources, and a supportive environment for all who wish to acknowledge and heal wounds from racism that is rooted in the United States’ history of slavery” – depend on the generous financial support of our members.