Our CTTT National Groups

Groups Supporting the Whole

Within Coming to the Table, individuals have come together around particular areas of interest/focus related to our Mission, Vision, Values, and Approach. Some groups come together on a short-term project, working together to complete a goal, while other groups continue to support ongoing focus’ within the organization.

CTTT National Groups organize in order to:

  • develop resources or plans of action with long-term goals.
  • schedule meetings, presentations and workshops on their national vision.
  • meet a particular need or goal of Coming to the Table as a whole.
  • take deeper action on their topic of shared interest as pertains to the larger CTTT community.

If you would like more information about any of the Groups, click on the group of interest below to contact them directly.

If you have ideas about a new National Group focus you’d like to take action on, please contact us here.

Current CTTT National Groups

Linked Descendants

Linked descendants want to know the truth about their ancestors, discover their connections, maybe even heal a bit of the wounded past.


Our intention is to create a community practicing mindfulness together and providing encouragement to deepen love, compassion, and wisdom in our racially-wounded country.


Coming To The Table believes that reparations can offer a way to breach our nation’s enormous racial divide by fully acknowledging and atoning for the harms of slavery and its aftermath.

Opportunities for Writers within CTTT

The Writers Group focuses primarily on informing group members when opportunities arise to submit stories about ending racism for blogs and books.

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