Racial Healing Talking Circle: Minneapolis, MN

The CTTT Racial Healing Talking Circle typically meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month and provides a space for truth-telling and acknowledging the impacts of historical and racialized harm […]

Local Group Gathering: Wilmington, NC

We welcome you to join us in Wilmington! We typically meet the third Thursday of each month. We meet "virtually" via Zoom (video or dial-in). For more information, or to […]

Local Group Gathering: Seattle, WA

The Seattle, Washington Coming to the Table (CTTT) Local Affiliate Group invites you to join us on the third Saturday of each month for deep dialogue utilizing the CTTT Approach, […]

Local Group Gathering (Pasadena/SoCal)

The Pasadena CTTT Local Group typically meets on the third Saturday of each month, as we have been for more than a decade. We are a thriving local affiliate group […]

Local Group Book Discussion: Atlanta

Atlanta Local Affiliate co-facilitators Mike Harris and Kelly Lyn lead our Book Discussion Group. The group meets via Zoom, usually on the fourth Monday evening each month, and usually takes […]

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