Local Group Gathering: Front Royal, VA

The Northern Shenandoah Valley Local Affiliate Group has been meeting via Zoom video/phone technology since the beginning of the pandemic. Many of our meetings continue to be virtual, with occasional […]

Local Group Gathering: Wilmington, NC

We welcome you to join us in Wilmington! We typically meet the third Thursday of each month. We meet "virtually" via Zoom (video or dial-in). For more information, or to […]

Local Group Gathering: Seattle, WA

The Seattle, Washington Coming to the Table (CTTT) Local Affiliate Group invites you to join us on the third Saturday of each month for deep dialogue utilizing the CTTT Approach, […]

Local Group Gathering (Pasadena/SoCal)

The Pasadena CTTT Local Group typically meets on the third Saturday of each month, as we have been for more than a decade. We are a thriving local affiliate group […]

Local Group Gathering: Tucson, AZ

MD, United States

The new Tucson, Arizona Coming to the Table (CTTT) Local Affiliate Group invites you to join us on the third Sunday of each month for deep dialogue utilizing the CTTT […]

Local Group Book Discussion: Atlanta

Atlanta Local Affiliate co-facilitators Mike Harris and Kelly Lyn lead our Book Discussion Group. The group meets via Zoom, usually on the fourth Monday evening each month, and usually takes […]

Local Group In-Person Meeting: Portland, Oregon

Portland Mennonite Church 1312 SE 35th Ave., Portland, OR, United States

We invite you to join us as we meet in person at the Portland Mennonite Church. We typically meet on the 4th Wednesday of each month. We hope you'll be […]

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