White Americans must confront their privilege

Jul 14, 2020

By William Black

“As I stand before the mirror, I am stunned by the long string of unnecessary and unwarranted endings of Black lives. In the reflection, I see a privileged white man who insufficiently understood the disadvantage my friend and so many others have endured. Growing up, I often heard my minister quote from John 13:34-35, ‘As I have loved you, so you must love one another.’ In the Quran, compassion is the most frequently occurring word. Buddhism is often referred to as a religion of love. Love in Hinduism is sacrament.”

“We have a serious problem to resolve, and it will take all of us, particularly white people, to face this challenge. We all want to be treated with respect and kindness, to be listened to and to be given an equal opportunity. In my small way, I intend to move from the mirror and contribute to forming this more perfect union.”

To read the full Op-ed from CTTT Knoxville Local Affiliate Group member William Black, CLICK HERE.

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