Our Guided Meditation Recordings
Below are recordings from the monthly Guided Meditation Sessions facilitated by the Mindfulness Working Group. We encourage people to use them in your personal practice, and feel free to share the link to this page with others. These recordings do not include anything participants shared during the calls, as the intention is to create a safe space for people to practice together in confidence and privacy. We trust these sessions will contribute to your own practice, your own well-being, and the well-being of others through you. Simply click on the arrow on the left side of recording you would like to access…
Mountain Meditation
The Three Dimensions and the Four Pillars
Body Scan and Breath Work
The 4 Pivots and the 4 Pillars
eARTh Day Meditation Dedicated to Dr. Arthur Carter aka “Art.”
Calling the Earth to Witness
Touching the Earth
Compassionate Friend
Healing and Knowing Our Worth
Explore Your Inner Smile
The Well of Still Water
We Make the Road by Walking
Explore Your Inner Smile
Finding Equanimity in Challenging Times
We Are Each Other’s Bond: Meditation on the Four Elements
Meditations of the Heart
Compassion for suffering from racial injustice
Strong Back, Soft Front
Loving Kindness
Breathe with the Trees
Expanding Compassion: Guided Meditation for Peace and Healing
I Am Sending You Light: Healing Racialized Trauma
And Still I Rise
The Great Bell Chant
Turning Awareness into Action
Compassion Fatigue, Frustration and Anger: Coming Home to Ourselves in the Way of Thich Nhat Hanh
Running the RACE for Racial Justice and Equity
The Radiance Within
Butterflies and Bees
The Door of Our Bodies
Love is a verb.
Compassion and Gratitude
RAIN and the STAR Healing Journey
Mindful Body Scan
Colors of the Rainbow
Compassionate Friend Meditation
Kaleidoscope Meditation
Relating to the many expressions of energy
Compassion For All Beings
The Great Sun of Lovingkindness and Compassion
River of Healing and Action
Mindfulness of Breathing
The Four Elements
Growing Compassion for Suffering from Racial Injustice
Breath Awareness and Release
Sit and know you're sitting
Affectionate Breathing
Antidotes to Ill Will And Cruelty
Cultivating Balance and Healing Within and Without
Neti Neti (Not This, Not This)
Sensing our Values
A Brief Inner Exploration of Resilience, Resistance & Transformation
Practice & Meditation for Emotional Regulation & Contacting Inner Strength
Heart Light
*With gratitude to, and inspiration from, Ruth King, Susal Stebbins Collins, Jason McGrice, and others.
**Based on “Strong Back, Soft Front,” pp 14-16 in Being with Dying: Cultivating Compassion and Fearlessness in the Presence of Death, by Joan Halifax (Shambala, 2008).
***Adapted from “Seven Color Spectrum Visual Aid” in Meditations for Tranquility: A Practical Guide to Spiritual First Aid by Suzanne Marbrook (facilitated by Angela Dickey)