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Participate in a Local Group

There are more than 3 dozen Coming to the Table Local Affiliate Groups in 16 states around the U.S. where participants meet regularly for truth-telling, building relationships, healing, and taking action to dismantle inequitable systems and structures based on “race.” For information on joining an existing group, or starting a new one, CLICK HERE.

Are You Coming To The Table?

Do you want to do more to create truth, justice, and racial healing where you live and work? Coming to the Table is a fast-growing community of Local Affiliate Groups, Working Groups, and Individuals committed to

Taking America Beyond the Legacy of Enslavement

Join others who are committed to transforming our world.

There are many tools and resources available on this site to support you and your friends and colleagues in making a positive difference in your workplace, school, church, social justice group, and community. Have a look around. Become a member of CTTT. Subscribe to the monthly CTTT newsletter. Join or launch a CTTT local affiliate group in your community. Read The Little Book of Racial Healing, in which the CTTT Approach is described in full. Most important? Know that you can make a positive difference. Let’s get busy!

Learn more on our About Us page.


How You Can Make A Difference

Become a Member

Join this dynamic and fast-growing community of like-minded people committed to making a difference!

Participate in a Local Group

There’s nothing more effective than working with others who are also committed to racial healing and transformation!

Support Our Work

CTTT’s ability to provide leadership, resources, and ongoing support depends on generous donations from many supporters like you!

Learn To Create Change

Coming to the Table has compiled a wealth of resources to support YOU and any group you belong to working toward racial healing.

Take Your Next Steps Toward Healing Today

Where Do I Start?

  • Become a member and connect with our community of like-minded people committed to change in a supportive environment.
  • Access and download many free resources to make a difference in your life and community.
  • Join or start a Local CTTT Group in your city to continue to create change and healing.
  • Get acquainted with people researching their ancestors’ involvement with slavery in the Linked Descendants Group.

“Coming to the Table has opened for me a whole new way of seeing our country’s fraught history and our collective responsibility in overcoming it. Helping ensure CTTT is financially sustainable is the most important personal contribution I can make to healing the divisions in our nation. Even though my monthly contribution is small, it shows my commitment to the work and may inspire others to give.”

Angela Dickey
Arlington, Virginia

“I love that I’m helping realize Martin Luther King’s dream of the descendants of the enslaved sitting down at the table of brotherhood with the descendants of enslavers. Every day is a Civil Rights day because of CTTT.”

Fran Sutton-Williams
Los Angeles, California

“To create the country we want for our children and grandchildren, a country of life, liberty and equity for everyone, we need to support the organizations that give us leadership, resources, encouragement and a community of like-minded people doing the hard work of change together. That’s what CTTT gives me. In return, do what I’ve done and take the work out of giving back – set up an auto-donation so you never have to think about making payments again.”

Prinny Anderson
Durham, North Carolina

“We have all seen during the past few years in the United States the ugly emergence of white nationalism and the ensuing entrenchment around white supremacy. More than ever, CTTT stands as a beacon for honest and responsible conversation about the difficult history of slavery that all Americans have inherited. This organization is highly worthy of our protection and financial support.”

Rev. David Pettee
Arlington, Massachusetts

“As a descendant of enslavers, Coming to the Table has provided me with invaluable support on this journey to repair the historical harms of slavery in the United States. I would not have continued the hard work of both uncovering the truths of my family history and the excavation of my own racism and privilege without the support of people in both my local Coming to the Table group and the two National Gatherings I have attended. Because all this work is ongoing, I auto-donate monthly to Coming to the Table.”

Allison Thomas
Los Angeles, California

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