The Cross Connection on MSNBC

The Cross Connection on MSNBC Tiffany Cross interviews Tom DeWolf & Debra Bruno Thomas Norman DeWolf and Debra Bruno were interviewed on May 29, 2021 by Tiffany Cross on the The Cross Connection on MSNBC. Ms. Cross was in Tulsa, Oklahoma for the 100th anniversary...

Making a Difference Mondays: Interview with Laura Hill

Making a Difference Mondays: Interview with Laura Hill Interview with Laura Hill WMGB: The Burg interviewed Laura Hill, founder of the CTTT local affiliate in Virginia’s Historic Triangle about Coming to the Table for their weekly feature, “Making a...

Daily Inspiration: Meet Fran Sutton-Williams

Daily Inspiration: Meet Fran Sutton-Williams Interview with Fran Sutton-Williams A brief introduction to the life and work of Fran Sutton-Williams, from her childhood in Brooklyn, integrating the first classrooms in Bensonhurst, to her work in founding the Santa...

It’s past time for Congress to consider reparations

It’s past time for Congress to consider reparations By Laura Hill On Feb. 17, 2021 the U.S. House Judiciary Committee held a hearing to discuss a decades-old reparations bill that refuses to die on the vine. HR40 calls for establishing a commission to examine the...

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